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Moonlit Magic Page 14
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Page 14
A sad smile twisted his lips. “How can you be certain I’m not leading you into a trap should I take you with me to France?”
“I think you know by now, Alastair and Damian would team up to kill you.” She grinned to take the sting from her words. “Besides, I’m getting a little pissy over this whole issue. I want revenge on Franco for the mischief he’s caused, and I get the impression you’re not a fan of his either.”
“Nope. Can’t stand the little toad. He’s been a pain in my ass since the day we were introduced.” Rafe shifted and traced a thumb over her lower lip. “Are we solid, qalbi? Please tell me my omission didn’t bring about the end of what we could’ve had.”
“No, it didn’t. But please don’t be offended if I seem suspicious. I honestly don’t know who to trust at this point other than my family.”
“It’s late, but Alastair is determined to hold the restoration ceremony. Are you ready to lend your magic to the cause?”
“Of course. I’m going to take a bath and center myself. I’ll be out shortly.”
“If you need help scrubbing your back—or other parts—we can circle back around to applying the brakes to our relationship.”
The gravely quality in his voice told her he was as aroused by the idea as she was. Half of her was cheering his suggestion and wondering why she was so dumb as to suggest slowing down until this mess was over. The other half threw up her hands in defeat. Cautious Liz Brain knew she didn’t stand a chance of resisting when Rafe looked at her with those wicked bedroom eyes packed full of heat.
His mouth quirked as if he could see the thoughts in her brain. And maybe he could because the warmth working its way to her cheeks was a major tell.
“We don’t have time.” The huskiness in her voice couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than desire. Every cell in her body was overheating and suffused with need for the devilishly sexy man standing before her.
He grinned. “But we have plenty of time to kiss.”
“Yes,” she whispered.
As he leaned forward, a knock interrupted them for the umpteenth time.
“Do you ever get the feeling everyone is conspiring against us to prevent this from happening?”
A laugh escaped her. “Do you ever get the feeling maybe this is your Karma for casting the spell against any man who wished to kiss me?”
He looked as if she’d knocked him upside the head. “I need to revisit my spell. Perhaps it’s a side effect.”
“Do as you will, and it harm none,” they said in unison.
She nodded. “Spells can come back upon the caster threefold. You’d better find a way to fix this, or we are going to be sexually frustrated for a long time to come.”
His deep chuckle made her warm. “It’s first on my agenda. I can’t have you sexually frustrated, qalbi.”
“Nor do I want to be.” She sighed heavily. “Should we see who is banging the door down.”
“Don’t mention banging when I’m hanging by a thread here.”
Laughing, she crossed the room to answer her persistent visitor.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Alastair has called everyone together to head to the clearing.” Holly had an apologetic look on her face while Quentin stood behind her, grinning like a demented fool. He had no remorse for the intrusion.
“We’re on our way. Can I take five minutes to meditate?”
“Is that what they’re calling a quickie these days?” he teased.
Holly lightly elbowed him in the stomach. “Don’t pay attention to him. His mind is always in the gutter.”
Quentin enveloped his wife from behind and placed a lingering kiss alongside the column of her throat. “Yes, it is. How can it not be when I find you so delicious, my prickly pear?”
Liz felt Rafe approach from behind. “Looks like we’re not the only ones who could use more time before the ceremony,” he murmured into her ear.
With a snort, she closed the door and admonished Rafe. “Don’t, or we aren’t leaving this room.”
“That would be my fondest wish, qalbi.”
“Oh, to hell with it!” She grabbed his face in both hands and tugged his head down.
“Now, Liz!” Holly shouted through the wooden-paneled door.
Rafe gave her a quick peck on the lips. “After,” he promised. “Let’s go get this over with.”
“Dammit!” Liz repeated with no less heat.
“The energy in this glen is magnificent,” Damian said. There was a reverence in his voice, as if he’d never seen anything like their clearing before. Liz didn’t understand how a two-hundred-year-old had never been to a magical holy place.
“Do all of you feel the vibrations of the stones?”
“Only when they are awake and above ground,” Alastair answered him.
Damian grunted and walked the entire circle where the enchanted pillars rested, stopping above each, closing his eyes, and tilting his head. Liz received the distinct impression he heard something none of the rest of them did. The smile on his face spoke of pure bliss, and she was loathe to bother him with all the questions crowding her brain.
“What’s he doing?” Rafe had pitched his voice low so only she and Alastair could hear.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s readying himself to make love to the stones,” her cousin muttered.
Liz choked on her laughter. Never before had she heard Alastair use sarcasm in such a way. The sound of her merriment caught the Aether’s attention. He turned a sardonic grin their way.
“Patience, Al,” he called.
“Tell me when you're done orgasming over this clearing, Dethridge, so we can get this ceremony started.”
“Watch it, or I’ll take your powers back and leave you a miserable sod for your remaining days.”
“Your lovely daughter made sure that couldn’t happen,” Alastair retorted.
“She made sure it couldn’t happen for other witches, warlocks, or Blockers. Not me.” Damian grinned evilly. “Never me.”
“Bloody bugger.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, cousin, but I absolutely love that he gets the better of you on occasion.” Liz was sure to show him her teasing smile. “It’s like you’ve met your match.”
Aurora placed her chin on his shoulder. “Some would say he met his match with me, close to forty years ago.”
Alastair turned and pulled her into his embrace. “And they would be right. The perfect match for me.”
“Smooth talker.” But Aurora didn’t look put out in the least. Suddenly, she became serious. “We need to get this over with, darling. We’re too exposed.”
“Noted.” Raising his voice, Alastair called to Damian, who was across the clearing, absorbing whatever energy the standing stone could provide from beneath him. “We need to start, Damian.”
Liz saw the Aether’s shoulders rise and fall in a deep sigh. He gave the ground one last longing look.
“Just wait until they are lit with your magic, my friend.”
“Take your places around the inside perimeter,” Damian called to them. “Anyone whose power is intact, stay to the outside until the pillars are pulsing with life. When that happens, I want you to step inside the circle and join hands with the rest of your kin or loved ones.”
Alastair directed everyone into positions as the Aether required, then took his place between Liz and Aurora outside the circle.
Damian jumped up onto the flat rock altar and spun in a slow circle, his hands raised with palms downward, parallel to the ground. There was no need for him to speak; it was as if the earth heard his intent. The ground beneath them rumbled and parted for the pillars to make an appearance. They rose faster and louder than Liz had ever seen before.
The standing stones were breathtaking. Always leaving her in awe when she witnessed their majestic beauty. Jagged formations that stood at least a story high and as thick as two men side by side. They were partially green with age. A glance showed t
he Aether with his head back, as if he were worshiping the night sky overhead. A wide smile seemed to cover half his face.
Talk about majestic beauty.
Liz seemed to forget to breathe as she watched him. A check of those present showed the other women did, too. Did he seduce without even trying? The longing tugging at her insides was disconcerting. All she wanted to do was go to him and kneel at his feet. A glance toward Alastair showed he was observing the process with a slight frown. Across the short distance, he sensed her regard and shot her a questioning look. With a tilt of her head toward Damian and a point of her finger toward her closest female relative, she raised her brows in question.
Silent laughter shook Alastair’s muscular frame. The wide grin reassured Liz as nothing else could. She wouldn’t question the odd attraction if her cousin thought it was normal.
With her focus back on Damian, Liz watched as he jumped down from the altar and moved to the nearest pillar. He ran his fingers over the largest symbol, level with his head, tracing what appeared to be a teardrop with squiggly lines below it. White light poured from every etched carving on the stone. He basked in the brightness for a moment then walked to the next rock formation and repeated the action. By the time the Aether had completed the entire circle, Liz was sure the glow could be seen from space. Someone at the NASA headquarters was freaking out right about now.
“Enter,” Damian commanded.
Liz’s will disappeared, and she felt compelled to move forward. Trepidation caused goosebumps on her exposed flesh. Heart racing, she crossed to stand between two family members and clasped their outstretched hands.
“Remain joined, no matter what,” he ordered, and his voice was that of a God—deep and dark, reaching inside the mind as it caressed the soul.
He flung his hands outward, and blue-tipped flames flew from his fingertips, followed by a cobalt-blue arc of light. It hit Autumn squarely in the chest, causing her to arch her body, her head dropping backward. Mouth open in a silent scream. One by one, Damian shot a current through those without their magic, with a similar reaction.
Because they were all linked by a magical connection at this point, Liz couldn’t drop her hands even if she wanted to. The ripple of energy swept through their circle too quickly. And while she felt the initial jolt, it wasn’t painful. The cells of her body absorbed the power, and her head fell back like the others, but not in agony as she feared. Instead, the surge reached in and caressed every inch of her like a lover. She released a silent gasp and shuddered at the pure ecstasy. Her eyes rolled back as her eyelids drifted shut. The desire to moan nearly overwhelmed her in its intensity. Her body tightened, and her heart raced as pleasure infused her.
“Holy hell!” Autumn shook her head and stared at the Aether in awe. “I don’t know what you just did to me, but can I get another ticket for that ride?”
A bubble of laughter welled inside Liz, and she released it on the wind. The others joined in as Damian smiled in smug satisfaction.
“That, my lovelies, is what if feels like to be part of something greater. Covens of old had similar physical responses when they held ceremonies.”
When the joy of the restoration spell subsided, he encouraged those whose powers had been stolen to conjure an item of their choosing. Relief flooded the faces of every Thorne present when their magic worked.
Liz imagined she could hear Franco’s screams of rage from his home in France, the little peckerhead.
Chapter 20
Paris. This was the first time Liz had set foot back on French soil since Rafe had disappeared from her life years before. The magnificence of the Eiffel Tower was as she remembered and could be seen from the terrace of the penthouse suite. Such an awe-inspiring sight.
The sound of the city drifted up from below as she drank her late-morning coffee and half-listened to Rafe’s conversation with Alastair in regards to Franco Moreau. She wasn’t worried she was missing anything important, because any serious discussion would take place when the remaining Thornes arrived in a few hours.
Paris. The city of love.
For her, it definitely had been.
She shot a glance in Rafe’s direction where he stood at the railing, overlooking the street. Did he do it subconsciously? Was he programmed to always be on alert for danger? She suspected he was. As she watched, he crossed his legs at the ankles and downed the espresso from the small cup he held. The gesture spoke of his European upbringing. Only someone who had resided in Italy would close their eyes and unabashedly savor the richness of the brew from the delicate porcelain that seemed too small for his large hands. Although his stature wasn’t small and his muscles rippled with every movement, Rafe had a casual elegance about him, and it appealed to Liz on every level. If they met today for the first time, she’d still find it difficult to tear her eyes away from the stunning picture he made.
He chose that moment to look her way. The slow, warm smile curled her bare toes. Goddess, he took her breath away. His current expression was the same one she’d seen on his face when she’d first encountered him at the base of the Eiffel Tower four years ago. No wonder her head had been turned and they’d never left the bedroom! She wanted to send Alastair away and drag Rafe into her suite for a replay of those three sinfully sensual days.
His smile widened at something Alastair said, right before he laughed. The sound was rich and vibrant, just like the man himself. And although Liz didn’t hear what was said, she couldn’t help but smile in return. His joyful response spoke to some lonely part deep inside her. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to spend her life with this man, basking in love and laughter every single day?
His midnight eyes bore into her with such an intensity, it made her squirm where she sat. Did her face reveal her thoughts? Her eyes, her longing?
“I’ll pop back by when the rest of our family arrives. Shall we have a late lunch here on the terrace?” Alastair excused himself with little fanfare and only a slight knowing smirk on his handsome face after Liz nodded absently.
“I thought he’d never leave,” Rafe quipped. The huskiness in his voice sent a shiver along her spine and caressed the exposed skin of her arms and legs. “Since we never had time to reconnect last night, should we use this opportunity to do so now?”
“Reconnect? Is that a euphemism for sex, babe?”
“The party lasted well into the night, and I needed to wake early to correct my anti-kissing spell.” He set the tiny cup in its saucer and placed it on the wrought-iron table. “I don’t believe we had our promised kiss.”
“You don’t believe? As in you don’t remember?” Liz leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “Should I be insulted?”
His deep chuckle thrilled her. “Not at all, qalbi. I recall every second about our time together. Both then and now.”
She got the distinct feeling he was speaking about their first time in France, and not last night’s party.
He stretched out a hand, and after she placed hers in his, helped her to her feet. “You should only be insulted if we had kissed and I didn’t remember.”
“I’d like to discuss what comes next in our relationship, Liz.”
The serious turn of their conversation wasn’t expected, and she didn’t know exactly how to respond. He’d asked her to marry him and she’d agreed, but it was on the condition he was holding nothing back. Yet he had.
“Shouldn’t we hold off on important topics for when this whole mess is settled?” she prevaricated. “I mean—” Her words dried up, and her thoughts scrambled as Rafe’s mouth descended on hers. Her moan may have been from the contact with his chest or from finally being able to touch him like she wanted, but either way, the sensation was delicious.
And when she had the chance to inhale a deep breath, the unique, spicy fragrance of his skin created a heady sensation and made her mouth practically water. He fed her soul, this man. There wasn’t a moment spent
with him that didn’t make her heart whole and happy. Despite any challenges they would face, she wanted him by her side. All trust issues fell away as he took her hand and led her from the terrace toward the bedroom.
He paused halfway there as if he couldn’t stand not to kiss her again, and when he lifted his head after giving into the urge, he said, “This. This comes next.”
“Yeah, I’m cool with that.”
His wicked grin made her knees wobbly.
“I think this is where you sweep the damsel up into your arms and carry her to bed because she’s weak-kneed and can’t seem to walk on her own,” she said, only half teasingly.
“That would be my fondest wish, qalbi.”
“Goddess, you say the sweetest things.”
He laughed even as he bent to scoop her up. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, Liz realized there was nowhere else she’d rather be. If they could spend their remaining days like this, she’d die happy.
“What are you thinking about?” Rafe rubbed his nose lightly against hers.
“You. Me. Us—like this, forever.”
“Mmm. I like the way you think.”
“I missed you, Rafe.”
He paused and frowned down at her. “I’ve always been here.”
“No. I mean us. Like this.” Placing a hand over his heart, she felt his pulse speed up. Perhaps he was nervous about the next thing coming out of her mouth, or maybe it was due to his excitement for what was to happen, she couldn’t be sure. But she liked her effect on him.
“Like I said, I’ve always been here. I’ve been waiting for you to remember what we shared and reach for it again,” he said softly. His cool confidence assured Liz he spoke the truth. She silently called herself all kinds of fool for rejecting his overtures over the last year.
With the utmost care, he laid her on the bed. One by one, he unbuttoned the fastenings on his shirt, exposing his beautiful olive skin. Liz’s eyes trailed over the muscled contours of his wide chest and dropped to admire the rock-hard ridges of his chiseled abs. Delicious and drool-worthy. They were the only two words to describe him. There wasn’t an inch of Rafe that wasn’t desirable and the stuff of dreams.